
Agents Business Details

Company Name (required) :

Contact Person Name (required) :

Nature of Business :

Address :

Phone Number :

Fax Number :

Website :

Email :

Describe your background experienced :

Name the regional areas which you cover :


Terms and Conditions

As the official sales representative for people’s Garment PLC,
I agree to the following

  • To promote and propose the products of People’s Garment PLC to customers effectively
  • Being a sales representative have no power or authority to incur any debt,obligation or liability or make any commitment or contract on behalf of People’s Garment PLC
  • In term of federal state or local tax purposes, sales representative needs to recognized that the representative is responsible for paying your own income and self-employment taxes
  • Being a sales representative of People’s Garment PLC,
    you will be paid based on commission of 3-5 % depending on items or category of products. Commission rate is paid as following

- Items of Woven shirt, Polo shirt, and T-shirt are paid based on 3% of total amount as shown in invoice

- Items of Pants, Jacket, and Swimwear are paid based on 5% of total amount as shown in invoice

  • All commissions will be paid in USD (USA dollar) and wire transfer (T/T) only
  • The sales representative needs to be acknowledged that will be responsible for wire transfer fee which will be deducted from paid commission which is depending on your local bank policy.
  • This contract can be terminated by either party with or without cause at any time and must be informed both parties in term of formal notification by a document or an e-mail.